Reston Spring

Reston Spring
Reston Spring

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Column: Changing of the Guard at Reston Citizens Association, John Lovaas, Reston Connection, July 9, 2014

Some extracts from John Lovaas' column on the new RCA Board of Directors and their predecessors:
The recent Reston Citizens Association (RCA) Board election, although it received little media coverage, was an important event for Reston. RCA Board members who provided the energy and intellectual leadership to inform and advocate for the community on critical issues have stepped down. In particular, we’ll miss President Colin Mills who provided a steady flow of thoughtful reporting and commentary on vital issues like the Byzantine master plan process (Phase 1) and the county’s stealth plan to eviscerate Reston Regional Library. Terry Maynard, with Dick Rogers, did extensive research and analyses involving as many as 60 volunteers during the master plan process. Their extraordinary analytical effort was of such high quality that major American think tanks, like Brookings would likely be proud to put their covers on their work, useful and timely information Reston readers got free from RCA. . .
Over the years, RCA has had its ups and downs, depending largely on the skill, energy and commitment of its volunteer Board. In recent years, leadership has been strong. RCA has advocated effectively for the community, been a source of independent information and a watchdog both of government and the Reston Association (e.g., new RA facilities and land swaps). . .
New RCA President Sridhar Ganesan, with a financial and operations management background, is new to community work. But, I am impressed with his grasp of RCA, community dynamics, and commitment to give priority to Phase 2 of the Master Plan process, providing community input on library reform, strong support for accessibility improvement and candidate forums. Vice President John Hanley, passionate activist Tammi Petrine, and Rescue Reston leader Connie Hartke provide needed leadership continuity on the Board. I wish the entire Board all the best. Reston needs a strong, independent RCA.
Click here for the full article.

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