Reston Spring

Reston Spring
Reston Spring

Sunday, December 22, 2013

A little Christmas traffic humbug from Dr. Gridlock, Washington Post, December 22, 2013

We guess that, because it's the end of the year, people feel compelled to give their forecasts for what's to come.  Dr. Gridlock even begins with Charles Dickens' Ghost of Christmas Future, but really, do we need to hear this now as we prepare for Christmas???

Apparently the Greater Washington Board of Trade and the MWCOG Transportation Planning Board felt compelled to share the following wonderful news about our driving future in 2040 under the Constrained Long Range Plan (a plan that includes current area governments' financial commitment to transportation investment):
According to the forecast for 2040:
●Lane miles of congestion, a standard measure of poor traffic flow, will increase by 71 percent.
●The total number of trips taken in the region will increase by 24 percent.
●Vehicle miles traveled, another standard measure of road use, will increase by 23 percent.
●The ways in which we travel will not change significantly. About two in every five trips will be done by solo drivers. About 7 percent of daily travel will be done by transit, same as today.
●The population of the outer suburbs will grow at the fastest rate, suggesting that many people will continue to have long trips to work.
●Job growth will be greatest in the outer suburbs of Virginia, but the highest concentration of jobs will be in Fairfax and Montgomery counties and the District. So today’s east-west commuting pattern, a stress factor on travel by highway and bridge, will remain.
OK, the news isn't all bad.  The article talks about plans for road widenings and the rest.

Still, on balance, it's a Christmas humbug!

Read the full article here for an overview of this forecast.

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