Reston Spring

Reston Spring
Reston Spring

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

E-Mail: Where's Fairfax County in Virginia's "Super NoVa" Transportation Initiative? Terry Maynard, February 14, 2012

Dear Secretary Connaughton,

In reviewing some recent local transportation news this morning, I discovered that the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transit (VDRPT) is holding a series of four public meetings to present information and elicit public feedback about its "Super NoVa" public transportation initiative.  To my astonishment, none of these public meetings is scheduled for Fairfax County--the region's most populace and productive county that literally is the transportation link from Arlington County and Washington, DC, with the several other counties beyond Fairfax that comprise "Super NoVa."

How can VDRPT declare so grandly--

"Recognizing the transportation challenges faced by Northern Virginia and its commuting communities, the Commonwealth of Virginia has embarked on an ambitious effort to develop a Transit and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) vision for the Super NoVa region. This vision will lay out the strategy for improving mobility for the region in the short-, mid-, and long-term through a combination of transit and TDM enhancements."

--and not include Fairfax County?  What possible "strategy" can the state lay out without considering the issues and opportunities presented by Fairfax County, its residents, and its businesses?

While I'm sure that the failure to schedule at least one public meeting in Fairfax County is an oversight, I strongly urge you to schedule one immediately to give this "strategy" some regional legitimacy.

Terry Maynard
Board of Directors
Reston Citizens Association

1 comment:

  1. It is my understanding from last night's meeting in Loudoun County that future meetings will be held in other areas - Fairfax is on the list for a public meeting.


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