by Kali Schumitz, Staff Writer
Fairfax County officials have launched what they hope will be the spark that ignites revitalization of the historic Lake Anne area of Reston.
Shamus Ian Fatzinger/ Fairfax County Times Fairfax County is seeking bidders for a public-private partnership to redevelop the Crescent Apartments in Reston, an affordable apartment complex the county purchased in 2006. |
The county issued a request for proposals Thursday in the hope of attracting a private partner to redevelop the 181-unit Crescent Apartments, a complex the county bought in 2006 to help retain it as affordable housing.
There is enough land on the Crescent property that a developer could build as many as 750 apartments. There are additional opportunities for more apartments, and possibly a small amount of retail and office space, if a developer were able to consolidate the Crescent property with other surrounding parcels. . . .
Click here to read the rest of this Fairfax Times article.
I'll be curious to see what responses the county gets back and what level of interest there is among developers to tackle this project. The Lake Anne area has a lot of potential: It's on the water and people can hang out there when the weather is nice, there is space to hold various events and there are several locally owned restaurants and a coffee shop. The downside: Limited parking, the location is hidden from view and there isn't even a sign out front with the names of the businesses that are there (is there a reason for this?), and many people who live around here don't even know it exists. Bottom line: There is a reason that Lake Anne falls short of its potential, and any efforts at redevelopment should address this by bringing more people to the area, while preserving the positve aspects.