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All of Reston’s Neighborhoods
6 June 2014
Subject: Reston Master Plan Special Study, Phase IITO: Hunter Mill District Supervisor, Reston Association President and CEO, and Reston Citizens Association PresidentARCH’s contention is that so much of the success of not only Reston’s past development and high standards of design but also of our recent Reston Master Plan Special Study effort is directly attributable to processes established whereby RESTON residents, RESTON community leaders, and RESTON developers and stakeholders have been charged with the responsibility and authority to CREATE, OVERSEE, and APPROVE the vision, standards and goals necessary to support past and future planning, development and growth.ARCH believes that similar entities, processes and authorities should also be true for the future development and growth of those areas relevant to Phase II of the Reston Master Plan Special Study.Our opinion is that the goal for future Village Center development should be the establishment of a vision that ensures the future financial viability of each and creates environments that excite people to come together to establish and sustain long-term relationships, and to form that special sense of community so essential and characteristic to Reston’s past development and character. With regard to the Village Centers, one size doesn’t fit all. One center may require more residential; another retail or commercial development, and another the creation of open space to achieve the vision.ARCH hopes that—as we move forward with Phase II of the Master Plan Special Study-- processes as outlined above are established and are considered critical to successful analysis and planning of Phase II.Respectfully,Gerald R. Volloy, PresidentAlliance of Reston Clusters and Homeowners
Yeah, let's max out our densities, just like our city planning grad school texts told us to, that'll show 'em! If the village centers already look like strip shopping centers, then the county planners have no one but themselves to blame. Oh excuse me, we now live in the new "urban" Reston.....