Reston 20/20 is an independent Reston citizens committee dedicated to sustaining Reston's quality of life through excellence in community planning, zoning, and development.
Reston Spring
Reston Spring
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Dedicated Bike Lanes Can Cut Cycling Injuries in Half, Atlantic Cities, October 22, 2012
A major city street with parked cars and no bike lanes is just about
the most dangerous place you could ride a bike. All the big threats are
there: open car doors, bad parallel parkers, passing cabs and public
transit. This is not a particularly novel scientific revelation,
although research has found it to be true. Things get more interesting
when we compare this bad-biking baseline to infrastructure actually
intended to accommodate cyclists.
New research out of Canada has methodically done just this,
parsing 14 route types – from that bike-ambivalent major street to
sidewalks, local roads with designated bike lanes, paved multi-use paths
and protected "cycle tracks" – for their likelihood of yielding serious
bike injuries. As it turns out, infrastructure really matters. Your
chance of injury drops by about 50 percent, relative to that major city
street, when riding on a similar road with a bike lane and no parked
cars. The same improvement occurs on bike paths and local streets with
designated bike routes. And protected bike lanes – with actual barriers
separating cyclists from traffic – really make a difference. The risk of
injury drops for riders there by 90 percent.
Do we need to consider this in Reston as part of our planning effort? If so, how would we accomplish these massive improvements in bicycle safety?
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