Reston Spring

Reston Spring
Reston Spring

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Impact of Urban Form on Travel Behavior, Eran Leck

This research paper by Eran Leck provides an integrated view of 17 primary research papers in a statistical meta-analysis of the impact of land use on transportation choices.  The paper provides a description of its research design used and the benefits and limitations of "big picture" statistical meta-analysis.   

This is the study's abstract:

A common viewpoint held by many New-Urbanist and Neo-Traditional planners
is that characteristics of the built environment, such as population density,
mixed land use settings and street configuration, exert a strong influence on
travel behavior. The empirical evidence for this relation, however, as portrayed
in many primary studies, is somewhat mixed. This paper offers an application
of statistical meta-analysis in an attempt to settle the contradictory findings
reported in the single studies. The findings reaffirm the role of residential
density as the most important built environment element influencing travel choice.
The findings also reinforce the land use mixing component of the built environment as being a strong predictor of travel behavior.  (Emphasis added.) 
The findings do not, however, support the most controversial claim of the New Urbanism regarding the role of street pattern configuration in influencing travel behavior.

The Impact of Urban Form on Travel Behavior: A Meta-Analysis--Eran Leck

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