Reston Spring

Reston Spring
Reston Spring

Friday, March 4, 2011

Notes on the RTF Vision Committee Meting, March 2, 2011, Tammi Petrine

Vision Sub-Committee Meeting:  Wed., March 2, 2011

Those present: Co-chairs, Kohann Williams & John Carter, Patti Nicoson, Heidi, Joe Stowers, John Bowman, Fred Costello, Bill Penniman and Art Murphy.  Observers were: Tammi Petrine & Rob Bonham

The committee is working on the final word-smithing of their final report to the Task Force.  The sections covered were: public facilities and urban design.

During the public facilities discussion, John Carter suggested the idea that land dedicated for public facilities might have the open space requirements waived.

Educational facilities were broadly discussed from elementary schools through graduate degree programs.  One part of the discussion included the caveat that public or not-for-profit institutions would not be subjected to FAR limitations.  One committee member spoke to the need to look at graduate programs that would augment the industries already in Reston.  Tammi Petrine of Reston 2020 stated that 2020 research showed that at least one elementary school would be needed as Lake Anne is already over-crowded with the ARB’s already approved.  In addition, a new campus oriented junior and senior high school complex would be needed in Reston in the future.

When the performing arts center was discussed, the committee agreed that the ideal location was adjacent to the Town Center Metro station with ready access to both transportation and restaurants.  The size of the center was discussed as being much larger than Center Stage at the RCC-HW.  The chorale had asked for a minimum of 500 seats.

A children’s museum was mentioned and Tammi Petrine made a suggestion that a location at the Reston West Metro station would place the museum with ready access to the rare wetland resource, an additional science feature that would compliment the museum and provide indoor facilities for wetlands education.  (This would also give the western station a destination institution that might attract family friendly restaurants.  Observer’s opinion)

Other facilities mentioned were a state-of-the-art library, a major city park, a large indoor recreation center featuring a large 50 meter pool, sports fields, fire and police facilities.

The second section of the report discussed was Urban Design.

Design excellence was stressed for both public and private enterprises in addition to environmental responsibility including energy conservation.  A spirited discussion ensued regarding how much leverage the wording of the plan would have on requiring water and energy conservation from developers.

The committee also acknowledged that the profiles of the corridor development would likely differ from the profiles of the other original parts of Reston.  In this section, two streetscape designs were noted with more examples needed.

The committee was adamant that air rights be part of the urban design section of their document. 

Other items mentioned in this section were public art which would be integrated into developed and re-developed parts of the community and a specifically designated open space dedicated to a memorial garden to celebrate the end of Restonians’ life cycles.

Next week’s Wednesday meeting will cover Environmental and Transportation chapters of the Vision sub-committee report.

Recorder: Tammi Petrine, Reston 2020

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