A secret developer, cloaked by an attorney, is attempting to turn our planned community into It's a Wonderful Life's "Pottersville." On January 21 the attorney for Northwestern Mutual will
ask the BZA to overturn our County Zoning Administrator's determination
that the 166 acres of Reston National Golf Course is zoned as permanent
recreational open space.
- The
most important action item is to attend the BZA hearing January 21,
wearing bright yellow/green Rescue Reston shirts and carrying the 12x12
Rescue Reston signs.
- Ordering information for t-shirts and signs available soon!
- Watch
your in-box for an eventbrite invitation. Responding to this will help
us coordinate & communicate to those specifically planning to attend
the hearing.
- Write a letter or email the Board of Zoning Appeals.
- Spread the news. Print this flyer and share with neighbors/co-workers - post on bulletin boards.
- Volunteer to help move large signs
- Signs
will be popping up around south Reston soon to remind neighbors about
this crisis.Reply to this email if you are available daytime to help
move them.
- Mark your calendars also for a rally on January 10 - time & place to be announced.
- Share our story on social media - Reston's Open Space crisis and what you can do: vimeo.com/113940325
More updates coming weekly as we count down to the BZA Hearing. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for breaking news.
Connie Hartke & the Rescue Reston Team
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