Reston Spring

Reston Spring
Reston Spring

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Who Will Pay For The Silver Line's Delays? WAMU 88.5, May 21, 2014

This lede from Martin Di Caro's latest report on the Silver Line says it all:

It's not yet clear who will pick up the tab for additional repair work on the Silver Line.

And here is the nub of his report:
As far as who pays for the repair work now—MWAA or the contractor—Paolino said Bechtel covers the expenses at first, but who will ultimately pay will be sorted our later. "The contractor undertakes the work, such as replacing the speakers, and then there are processes within the contract that lay out how the cost is allocated afterwards," Paolino says.
This is the closest Paolino came to saying someone else may have to pay for the Silver Line's delays: "Obviously there will be a time after the project is complete to look back and address any needs such as addressing additional costs."
Does it not seem odd, if not incompetent, that MWAA lets Bechtel proceed with millions of dollars of repairs without having decided who is going to pay for it?

You know they're not talking because, under the "Funding Partners Agreement" among MWAA, Loudoun and Fairfax counties, Dulles Toll Road users--who neither built the shoddy railway nor poorly managed its construction--will be stuck with three-quarters of the cost.

Click here for the rest of Di Caro's report, including the soundtrack.

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