Reston Spring

Reston Spring
Reston Spring

Monday, May 24, 2010

Agenda: Reston Task Force Meeting, May 25, 2010


May 25, 2010 
Task Force Meeting  
Reston Community Center at Lake Anne 

7:00 p.m.  Public Comment Period   
7:15 p.m.  Administrative Items ‐ Patty Nicoson, Task Force Chair 
• Approval of 4/27 and 5/11 meeting summaries 
• Formation of Wiehle Avenue and Herndon‐Monroe Sub‐Committees 
7:30 p.m.  Briefing:  Fairfax County Affordable Housing Policy  
  Heidi Merkel, Department of Planning and Zoning 
7:40 p.m.  Input on Wiehle Avenue Station Area   
• Bill Penniman, RCC Board, TF Alternate Member 
• Property Owners 
8:05 p.m.  Task Force Small Group Activity re: Wiehle Avenue  
9:00 p.m.  Report out of Activity and Task Force discussion of results 
9:30 p.m.  Adjourn ‐ Patty Nicoson 


  1. I would like to read your blogs and find out more of what is going on. But, PLEASE, webmaster, change the font colors in this site! Especially the yellow above. There is so little contrast, I feel I'm trying to read ancient scripts that have faded with time. Guess my eyes are also becoming ancient...

    I am so frustrated that Fairfax County and these developers have so little respect for Reston. There is no way any sane person can say if Reston goes from its current population of 60,000 to the projected 100,000 that the Reston I know and love will still be the great place to live, work and play.

  2. Kathi--Thanks for commenting. I've changed the block quote text to bright yellow.

    I hope that POPS enough for you.

    I'm working on the ancient scripts now.....

    Terry Maynard

  3. Is there any way that we can get the Reston Master Plan to include language to the fact that any developments cannot cause the local roads with improvements to be overloaded? Perhaps by using the VDOT intersection standards and whether any additional traffic would cause additional failings or cause failings to be graded worse.

    Second thing, why has the Reston Master Plan Study meetings overlapped with the BOS Public hearing discussing the same thing? Can't make both.


Your comments are welcome and encouraged as long as they are relevant, constructive, and decent.