CPR Endorsements for Reston Association
2020 Board of Directors Election
March 2-April 3
The Reston
Association Board of Directors election will bring new voices to the
Board—voices that will have a significant say in the upcoming review of
the Reston Master Plan that was recently announced by Fairfax County
Supervisor Walter Alcorn. The future growth of Reston will be forever
impacted by the review, particularly in the PRC, the established
residential neighborhoods outside of the Transit Station Areas.2020 Board of Directors Election
March 2-April 3
CPR is dedicated to support growth that welcomes new neighbors to a future Reston that maintains the values of our unique planned community: environmental stewardship, architectural excellence, and diversity. In that spirit, CPR endorses two candidates who we believe will best promote those values in the most financially transparent and responsible ways:
Bob Petrine Candidate for 3 Year At Large Seat
Bob brings
extensive community and financial experience so needed by the RA. He
will “hit the ground running” as an RA Director as he is completely well
versed in the RA’s governance and financial processes, and has been a
leader in the community’s efforts to hold the RA and County government
accountable to Reston residents. You can learn more about Bob at: https://www.facebook.com/Vote4BobPetrine/.
Sarah Selvaraj-Dsouza Candidate for 1 Year At Large Seat
Sarah brings
the experience and insights of a small business owner. She understands
the challenges of setting and working within a reasonable budget, and
the needs for RA to be accountable and transparent in its financial and
other activities. Sarah is an advocate for preserving Reston’s open
spaces and for rational development. You can learn more about Sarah at: https://www.sarah4reston.com/.Help maintain Reston as a welcoming and diverse community - vote for Bob and Sarah!
Good picks, CPR. Both are potentially very different and very useful resources to the RA board.