Reston Spring

Reston Spring
Reston Spring

Friday, October 24, 2014

Library advocates to meet tomorrow in Oakton at 11:30AM.

Dear Fellow Fairfax Library Advocate:

It has been exactly a month since we met at the Tysons-Pimmit branch and a group of us decided to take a more activist approach to saving our libraries. Sadly, as you are probably aware, recent news has not been all that good - 21 staff positions slated for elimination, further cuts proposed, no action yet on the Federation's call for fiscal assurances that County and the Friends' funds are being appropriately used and the continued diminution of the system's book inventory.

A lot will be happening between now and the end of the year and it is incumbent of us to see that our voice is heard. I propose we get together at 11:30 am, Saturday, October 25 at Oakton Library, 10304 Lynnhaven Pl, Oakton, VA 22124 to discuss a plan of action. Please let me know if you can attend. If there are other individuals who you believe could add to our efforts, by all means bring them along.

Between now and then please also think about how we can craft a focused message that will encompass all the various issues before us.

Best regards, Dennis

Dennis Hays

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