January 2014
Fairfax County Board of Supervisors
FROM: Gerald
R. Volloy, President, Alliance of Reston Clusters and Homeowners (ARCH)
RE: Reston Master Plan Special Study,
Phase 1 – Reston Transit Station Area, ST09-III-UP01(A)
Bulova, Supervisor Hudgins, and Fairfax County Board Members. Good afternoon. My name is Jerry Volloy, and I am the
President of the Alliance of Reston Clusters and Homeowners (ARCH). It is with great pride, but yet with mixed
emotions that I stand before you this afternoon.
As a
Member of the Reston Master Plan Special Study Task Force, I am so very proud of
the Vision we have put forward and which-- if achieved-- should prove to be an
exciting, welcoming, and accommodating environment for Reston’s future growth
and development: a place where businesses and residents alike will be proud to
locate and call home. If achieved and
if implemented, the vision will continue to support many of Bob Simon’s
original goals for Reston, and where the tenets of “Live. Work, Play, and Get
Involved” will continue to be viable realities in Reston’s future.
mixed emotions, however, because of concerns about how future development and
residents will be assimilated within the greater Reston community and how the
goal of attaining the critical balance between development and infrastructure
will be achieved.
ARCH believes that membership of
future residential development and residents within one of our two master
associations – the Reston Association (RA) or the Reston Town Center
Association (RTCA) – is essential to maintaining our community’s integrity,
cohesiveness, and property values, and that the current language contained
within the Plan, is so very inadequate in its support of this goal and in defining
what processes will be established to realize it.
The Vision and Planning Principles
within the Plan include language about excellence in planning, design and
architecture-- hallmarks of the Reston community and assured by oversight and
adherence to architectural design oversight processes such as the RA and/or
RTCA Design Review Boards, manned by Reston residents who understand Reston’s
character and are committed to protecting it.
Further, one of the most
distinguishing aspects of Reston that is core to its values and characteristics
is this special sense of “community” and its residents’ incredible willingness
to respond to calls to get involved and/or serve our great community. These
calls often emanate from these major community organizations and play a large
role in bringing our community together through volunteerism and/or service.
Additionally, an almost future
doubling of Reston’s current population over the foreseeable future will have
impacts upon Reston’s existing open space, natural areas, lakes, watershed and
recreational facilities-- the repair and maintenance costs for which should be
contributed, in part, by future new residents.
ARCH believes the document should
be loud and clear in supporting the requirement that future commercial and/or
residential development, within the RCIG, be assimilated under the governance
of either RA or RTCA thereby amalgamating them as future stakeholders in our great
Reston community.
with mixed emotions, however, because I believe we leave such an important
aspect of our work yet before us. At the
very beginning of this process, each of us, who represent major community organizations
took a position in support of Metrorail to Dulles and its attendant growth and development,
as long as the infrastructure and public facilities to support and accommodate
that growth and development were provided.
endorsed the Comp Plan’s Planning Principle that “development will be phased
with infrastructure including aspects such as community amenities, and larger
open spaces that would not be triggered by any one single development. These raise different considerations than
community assets or needs that are specific to a particular site that might be
secured via proffer or as prerequisites to granting higher FARs. Our concern arises with how common
infrastructure needs will be secured in a time of scarce public resources given
that no one developer is likely to be responsible for these types of
Without an operational or
implementation plan and the processes needed to make this plan a reality, I suggest
that our work, and the County’s work is incomplete: that achieving the vision
defined within the plan may well be based only on hopes but not reality.
Supervisor Hudgins: With regard to assimilating future
development within existing community governance entities, I ask that you NOT
recommend approval of this Plan to your fellow Board Members without
strengthening the language that requires association membership, and defines how
that goal will be realized. With regard to future implementation processes,
ARCH stands ready to continue to assist you and Fairfax County, as appropriate,
in support its important work.
Thank you for your consideration of ARCH’s views.

Alliance of Reston Clusters and Homeowners
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